• Pediatric Dentistry

  • Should you choose a Pediatric Dentist?

    Has your son or daughter ever wished that they could stay longer at the dentist? It may seem impossible to you but we pride ourselves on our gentle touch and special way with kids. Our dedicated staff and pediatric specialists love children and are specially trained to make sure your child feels comfortable and at ease. We teach children the right way to take care of their teeth and they learn that going to the dentist can be a fun experience.

    Can you tell me more about a Pediatric Dentist?

    Much like pediatricians are trained to meet children’s medical needs, our pediatric dental professionals are uniquely qualified to help keep your child in good oral health by using the most up to date techniques. While they enjoy our kid- friendly open treatment area, our Pediatric team will educate them and treat any necessary dental issues with ease and confidence. Pediatric dentists have to undertake an additional two to three years of focused training at university pediatric facilities on top of the required four years of dental school and four years of college study. They are instructed on how to deal with the behavioral needs of children. This includes calming techniques that help them feel comfortable and provide an enjoyable experience. They are also qualified and instructed on how to treat children with special needs.

    What dental problems could my child have?

    Some dental difficulties can begin very early in life. A major concern is tooth decay at an early age which can become a serious condition caused by a child staying on the bottle (or breast) too long. Another complication is gum disease. Around 40 percent of children from the ages of two to three have some form of mild inflammation of their gum tissues. Oral habits such as digit sucking or grinding of teeth should also be identified. All of the above can affect how the adult teeth will erupt and whether or not they will be prone to dental problems in the future. The earlier a child visits a pediatric dentist, the better the chances of preventing future oral complications.  Strong, healthy teeth not only help your child chew food easily and speak clearly but also help them feel good about his or her smile.

    Should baby teeth be treated the same as adult teeth?

    Primary teeth help with proper chewing and eating, speech development, and add to a good-looking appearance. Children who can chew easily, speak clearly, and smile confidently are happier. Strong primary teeth allow for the jaw bones and muscles to develop healthily and help permanent teeth grow comfortably into place. If a child loses a primary tooth too soon, his or her permanent teeth may grow in crooked and lead to expensive oral treatments later in life. Decayed baby teeth can cause pain, abscesses, and infections which can spread to their permanent teeth. Your child's general health may also be affected if diseased baby teeth aren't treated in a timely fashion. Remember, some primary molars aren’t replaced until the ages of 10 to 14, so these baby teeth need to last for years.

    Should I prepare my child for their first visit?

    Many parents ask us this question. We suggest that you prepare your child like you would before their first hair-cut or trip to the shoe store. A trip to our office will not be the frightening experience you may remember or have heard of from other parents. If you are anxious about the trip, then the less you tell your child the better. You cannot hide your anxiety from your child (they have a sense for these things). We encourage you to look through a couple of the many books about dentists as an easy way to prepare. Your child's reaction to his or her first visit to the dentist may surprise you.

    Do children need preventative care?

    Early childhood and tooth decay no longer have to go hand in hand. At our office, we focus on all aspects of preventive oral care. We use the latest in sealant technology to shield your child's teeth. Sealants are bonded to the chewing surfaces of back teeth to prevent them from developing plaque buildup which can lead to tooth decay. This is just one of the many ways we will set the foundation for your child's good oral health for the rest of their life.